Comfort Zone


From medium-sized heat recovery ventilation to large-scale air handling units, we ensure optimal climate conditions by providing a fresh, healthy, and comfortable environment for buildings of all sizes and different applications.

Air ventilation is crucial for your building

The rise in energy efficient building designs is increasing the need for ventilation systems. Energy efficient buildings require more insulation to reduce heating and cooling loss. This means that the air inside of your building lingers longer and becomes stale. The stale air also puts your building at a greater risk for allergies, residual odours, condensation, mould and more.

Air handling unit quick selection tool

Take advantage of our air handling unit selection software to visualise your own customised air handling unit solution that suits your needs and location.

  • Saves you time by drastically reducing the selection time with a new software interface
  • Pre-uploaded parametres available within the Wizard make it a very competitive solution
  • Intelligent software core makes high quality selections